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the present;

Thursday, January 22, 2009 Confession Of A Phasmophobic Y 10:00 PM

I actually have two phobias, phasmophobia and isolophobia. I don’t like to be alone as I will feel lonely and helpless and then I will panic. I like to be around crowded places, I will feel safe and I love noises.

I am actually different from many people; I like to sleep with noise. Without noise, I can’t get to sleep and I will stay up till morning. I inherited this phobia from my mother as she is also phasmophobic and isolophobic. She is always afraid of being alone and if she goes out to do something she will ask someone to go together.Being isolophobic is actually a good thing as you will always be with someone and will do things as a team or pair and will not be self-centered.

For phasmophobia, actually it is because I like to watch horror movies but I am also afraid of it and after a horror movie I may be afraid of going to the toilet or even to go to sleep because of nightmares. I am also afraid of ghost stories as they often lead to nightmares or my imagination running wild.
Although my parents always emphasize that there is nothing to be afraid of, as I did not do anything that would make me feel guilty but I am still very afraid of ghost. I would always as my friends to go to the toilet with me as I am afraid to go by myself. Often if they reject, I will beg them till they relent but if they do not I will tolerate and keep asking if they needed to use the toilet so that I could go with them too. I will always tell myself to overcome my phobias and I believe will.


{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Friday, January 16, 2009 School Holidays Y 4:45 AM

I went to Hong Kong on the 19 to 23 November last year to have an exchange with the band there and a performance at disneyland.On the 1st day,we went for sightseeing at victoria peak, it was very windy up there and very cold that everyone held on to their jackets and sweaters.Although it was cold, we still ate ice cream that we bought from there. For the next two days were just some exchanges with schools there and shopping sprees. On the second last day, we went for our official performance at disneyland. After that we went on to play there for the whole day.Then the last day came and we really did not feel like coming back to Singapore because it was just so fun at Hong Kong.


{#1. Fan of PIGS}

Monday, January 5, 2009 growth day targets Y 12:50 AM

Today was growth day. The school made every student set targets,taught us about the 16 habits of mind(HOM) and we had fun making a video regarding the 16 HOMs.We setted our targets in class. I wish that i could get at least B3 for english and all other subjects this year.Straight after that, the was the co-curricular activities(CCA) bazaar. Many members of many of the CCAs were pulling, pushing, convincing and bringing secondary ones to thier respective CCA booths. I am in the band so i was supposedto perform for the secondary ones. After a few minutes of convincing the secondary ones, the CCA bazaar finally ended and we finally got to go home.


{#1. Fan of PIGS}

to that piggy world

hi & welcome
you're @ url@blogspot.com


it looks really pretty on FF but it looks all mudd-ed up on IE D:

bold;underline;italic;strikethru<3 :D

now playing ;
rolling with rhythm:D


chit-chats ;
gossips about the best muds in the world:D

profile ;
pigs aren't perfect; just like me.

your profile here

links ;
teleport through mud!

click {here} for exits.

the past ;

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
July 2009

credits ;
&iloveyou as much as ilovemud<3

do not remove the credits! :D
Designer: xconfusedd
Image Hosting: Photobucket
Tagboard: Cbox
Song: Imeem
Image: Timothy(: ; Photoshop CS3 Extended (: